Thursday, December 1, 2011

scott rodriguez wants you to join foursquare!

scott wants you connect with you on foursquare. You should give it a try! foursquare helps you meet up with friends, discover new places, and save money with Specials. When your friends share where they are, you'll get a message like:

scott r. is @ Motorino Pizzeria (12th St. and 1st Ave.). Swing by and say hi!

And if you choose to 'check in,' you'll get great nearby Tips, like:

Since you're so close to Motorino, scott r. says: It's not on the menu, but ask for the Sorpressa pizza. It's their best!

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Scott R. would like to share Yelp reviews with you

Hi Sonia,

How's it going? Have you heard about Yelp yet? I am addicted to it!

Yelp is the place to find, review and talk about what's great - and not so great - in your neighborhood and beyond, everything from cool restaurants and bars to doctors and yoga instructors.

Check it out:;AREABQ;2t-yFrFdu38MRXr3y4P70g

See you on Yelp,

- Scott

To stop receiving Yelp messages click here:

Monday, August 30, 2010


Front Squat
*pick your own weight
*try to start at #65

20m OH walking lunges, #20
15 burpees
20m OH walking lunges, #20
20 pull-ups (35 ring pull-up)
70 air squats
800m run

*for time
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, August 23, 2010

Work out today hooray!

After an entire week of no working out and eating like crap, finally got a work out in. Did this one today:


AMRAP 3 minutes
5 db/kb swing, #25
3 burpees
5 push-ups
Repeat for a total of 4 cycles

Wasn't able to do the warm up that went along with it (they were mowing the field where I usually do that kind of stuff) so I did 100 jump rope skips and 25 bicycles x 2 instead. Got four rounds in during each of the four cycles. Didn't have a 25# barbell, but used a #15-20 pounder (not sure exactly how much it was with the bar).

Will post nutrition later. Hope I can keep my momentum going tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Push Press

AMRAP 15 minutes
5 front squats, #55
5 squat hops
5 thrusters, #55
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, August 16, 2010


4 rounds of:
10 Box jump or vertical jump, 16"
10 Clean and Jerk, #55
10 dips
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Workout for August 11th

Did this one today:

800m run
100ft lunges
10 burpees
20 dips
30 squat hops
20 push-ups
10 burpees
800m run

Made it in approximately 29 mns (didn't have a watch on me). Felt good except for that last 800 meters. That one kicked my butt! Also, still couldn't get those full burpees in, but did the simple ones and did them good! I'm not getting discouraged, I know I'll keep getting stronger. Think I'm finally getting a routine down too.

Breakfast - three egg whites scrambled with one leek, black coffee
AM Snack - yerba mate with agave and a little bit of soy milk (left over from pre-paleo); walnuts and almonds with dried papaya
Lunch - grilled chicken, steamed celery and broccoli
PM Snack - Coke Zero (ok, this is not good or a snack - bad Sonia!)
Dinner - grilled pork chop, steamed broccoli and cauliflower with tomato sauce
Evening Snack - nectarine, filberts and three spoonfuls of chocolate syrup (I wanted wine, but resisted and had some chocolate instead; again, not perfect but I'm proud that I didn't give in to alcohol craving - go me!)

Will work on eating more nuts or what not tomorrow. Thanks for the post!

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